Sunday, January 22, 2017

We seriously will never get along

It's impossible for very fervent people on the right wing (like myself) and very hardcore feminists to get along.

We consider different things as sacred. I believe that men are men for a reason and women are women. Babies shouldn't be killed while they are peacefully listening to their mommy's heartbeat. If I am a law-abiding citizen, I should be able to own as many guns as I wish to ensure that I am able to defend my life, liberty, and to pursue my happiness.

But the Left wishes to use government to secure "rights;" they don't care about the scope of government like those of us on the right do... And I consider their views on guns to be very foolish, because I consider an overly powerful government to be worse than death. At least when I'm dead, I'll be able to chill with Jesus.

I wouldn't be surprised if California does try to secede. We're just kidding ourselves when we say that oh, we just gotta listen to what the other side has to say. Sure, it'll work with some people, but there's a good amount that absolutely will not budge. I celebrated when Hobby Lobby won that Supreme Court case and liberals were furious.

That's not normal for fellow countrymen to have such polar opposite reactions to the things that government does. It's just evidence that we've drifted very, very far apart.

Our beloved country and leaders need all the prayer you can send up there, fam. Do it.


Bernice ❤

Friday, January 20, 2017

Pray for our new President and Vice President

"The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord
he turns it wherever he will." 
(Proverbs 21:1)


So we have a new President. He is a completely different person with different fears, worries, sin patterns... We gotta earnestly ask the Lord to bless, strengthen, and guide him. Like, daily. We have a blank slate. We need to start off strong. Don't forget that we have terrible enemies out there in the world and within our borders. And also, I mean I'd cry so much if my Governor and Vice President "fell from grace". They are such amazing role models that seek to serve Christ, regardless of how "backward" it may seem. I want them to finish the race strong. (2 Timothy 4:7)

If you need evidence that prayer can change the actions that the Lord will take, check out when Abraham asked God to have mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah. I personally need to keep that in mind when I ask myself if my praying makes any difference. Which I do ask myself that several times a week, but our emotions aren't a good thing to be driven by. We're supposed to do all the Christian things regardless of how our emotions might be at the moment.

This is something along the lines of what I say when I pray for Governor Abbott. Each of these petitions seems equally important to me, so I recommend y'all to include them all ☺


"Father God, thank you so much for your mercy and grace toward us. Please Lord, strengthen your servants Gov. Abbott, Pres. Trump, and Vice President Pence. Guide them, protect them from evil, keep their marriages vibrant and healthy. Please bless their whole families. Please help them resist any temptations to be corrupt. Please sweet Lord, give them a good night's rest and that they wake up with energy and joy in the morning. Please help them be productive tomorrow.

In Christ's name I pray, Amen."

Monday, January 16, 2017

Praying for your future spouse

This is a blogpost I've been meaning to make for awhile. I kept putting it off because I guess I wasn't sure if I wanted to share something so important to me, but I realized I want this to help people. I don't think I'm smart enough to have come up with this on my own; it must have been a gift from the Holy Spirit one night a few months ago when I couldn't sleep.

I mentioned before that I could be better at praying. I should pray the things below every single day, but I don't. I claim that I'll love that handsome fellow well and care for him and cherish him and avoid the mistakes that some women I know have committed, yet I don't pray for him often enough. Maybe now though that I am praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day, I'll like use that momentum to pray the things below. It's hard for me to pray, but once I've been doing it for a few minutes, it's a lot easier.

Also... please don't believe for a second that I'm some stellar Christian. I try hard, but I also fail miserably at times. We are all broken. We all need to rely on Him for strength.

Anyways, let me get to it.


I have found it very helpful to "pray from head to toe". Five body parts.

I pray for my future spouse's mind, that the Lord would help him deal with depression or anger problems or doubts about his talent and ability. I don't want him to walk around with negative thoughts weighing him down.

I pray for his eyes, that he set his eyes on good and beautiful things. I don't want him to be addicted to porn; I want him to resist that alluring pull.

I pray for his lips, that he be a wise man that says good and truthful things.
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21)

I pray for his heart, that he have a heart that trusts in the Lord and submits to Him. And he might be in a relationship with some hussy, so I also ask the Lord to break them up sooner rather than later so he can bring that sexy butt faster to me.

Finally, I pray for his hands, that the Lord blesses the things he does (schoolwork, his job, volunteering, etc.)

That's it. Don't over complicate it, y'all. Prayer is difficult enough already without us making it harder. That is pretty much all the bases that need to be covered.

If I missed any important points, let me know please. I'd definitely welcome the feedback.

Thank you,

Bernice ❤

Sunday, January 15, 2017

On porn, the war between the sexes, and sex robots...

This is a topic that I care very greatly about. I apologize in advance if this seems a little scattered, I spent too much time composing this blogpost and realized I preferred to just go ahead and post it as fast as I could. All the links I've put in this blogpost are good; please check them out.


I know too many beautiful and good women that don't want to be single, but are single because too many men in our churches want to be boys and have spent too many hours glued to a screen, satisfied by pixels when they could have a banquet. It absolutely breaks my heart knowing what could be, but isn't. I've heard too many pastors tell the men in the audience to not go looking for a relationship until they get their crap together and stop being hooked on porn... Our sins are not private.

"No sin is private. It may be secret but it is not private." -A.W. Tozer

The war between the sexes
We don't trust each other. We play games. We are hesitant to trust each other due to the way that someone of the opposite sex in our past used us. And being a heavy user of porn results in men seeing women as just a collection of body parts that satisfy, just objects. Google it. Studies have been done on this phenomenon. And oddly enough, feminists still love porn...

Feminists perpetuate the war between the sexes by trying to tell us that there are no inherent differences between men and women. This lie that so many of us have accepted has led to the awkward way that we interact with each other.

Total Sorority Move tweeted a surprisingly insightful article on the perils of my generation when it comes to dating.

"Basically, the ball’s in the court of whoever cares less. If you play it cool and make him fall in love, then maybe — just maybe — he will want to date you within a reasonable time frame." 

We see examples of bad women that use the courts to leech off men. They are a Google search away, and we probably all know of at least one woman that married a man for his money. I know I do.

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
This isn't true; we need each other. How many women have problems that they wouldn't if they just had a good, strong, caring father in their life? We all know one. And of course, men need women, as evidenced by the high rate of porn consumption in America.

In the Disney movie Mulan, one of the songs at the beginning says: "We all must serve our emperor who guards us from the Huns. A man by bearing arms, a girl by bearing sons." I'm not necessarily saying that I support the draft, I've yet to form an opinion on this matter, but if one feels a sense of duty to their country, chances are higher that he will actually behave and not be selfish and destructive. I know I personally hope to have a son that enlists, so I feel like I did my part to serve my country.

Unfortunately, those lyrics I mentioned are pretty "triggering" to some people.

Most feminists don't feel that sense of duty that I feel. They hate this country because THE WHITE MAN made it, they wouldn't dream of dying to defend it from actual enemies we have out in the world, and since motherhood is essentially slavery to them, they won't have sons that may grow up to be soldiers. And if they did have sons, they'd just emasculate them and teach them to be feminine. There is actual evil out there in the world that needs to be fought by men that aren't afraid to be men, but nope, let's focus on the wage gap and cultural appropriation and misgendering people and all that stuff.

Feminists see our men sent off to war and demand that their birth control and abortions be paid by daddy government, while railing against Western civilization and seeking to infect as many women as possible with their ideas.

Everything that the Lord created is good, but the world twists His beautiful inventions into shadows of what they could be. This is in reference to that insane sex drive that men have. It helps populate nations.

Sex robots
And now we will have something even more satisfying out there than porn for our men AND women to be tempted by. Sex robots. They are on their way. As if we didn't have enough bodies in this country to satisfy the needs of another American... Porn has isolated a lot of us, and now these disgusting dolls and robots will exacerbate the problem.

Do we want to kill ourselves off? It sure seems like it. I personally want to see my country continue to exist and to flourish, but that is only possible if we hold onto the God that has blessed our nation and if we have sex the way He intended.

We don't deserve Your grace and blessing, Lord.

Thank you for reading,

Bernice ❤

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

And now I discovered the Chaplet of Divine Mercy


Last week I told y'all about how using a rosary to help me pray has really helped make me a happier person and do a better job of not being weighed down by sin. But now, after googling and digging around a little, since there's a certain sentence that never left my mind even though the last time I heard it was years ago and so I finally just googled it... I have discovered an even more exciting and satisfying way to pray using rosary beads. (The sentence is the one in quotes in the next paragraph.)

I can't pray the words "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world" without thinking about all of the deaths in America that Planned Parenthood has caused... I've done a fantastic job for months and months of avoiding thinking too hard about this, because it is way too gruesome and horrifying.

The original prayer has the word "world" and not "Texas and America", but I feel that it is more beneficial to pray on behalf of specific areas. So because of the chaplet, I ask Him 50 times every night to be merciful toward my state and country, which I'm sure He hears at least one of those petitions. He heard Abraham when he pleaded for mercy upon Sodom, so I absolutely know the Lord hears me. (Genesis 18:16-33)

When I'm done praying the chaplet, I'm always able to pray for a few minutes that the Lord bless, protect, and strengthen my governor. The Lord wants us to pray for our leaders. We need to do it, and often. And without using a rosary, I always dreaded and trudged through intercession, when I did it, which definitely wasn't every single night, until I started using the rosary.

Y'all have gotta try this. Go get a rosary and pray this. Protestants, these aren't incredibly Catholic-y prayers. They're neutral.


Thanks ❤,


Friday, January 6, 2017



Thank you for visiting my blog. (if you are Christian but not Catholic, please keep reading. I wanted to say something to y'all.)

I wanted to write this post, because I'm amazed at how praying a rosary every night has been very beneficial to my spiritual and emotional health. Not much has changed in my life other than the fact that I am very excited that we have begun a new year, so I think it's safe to assume that I find myself happier lately because I've been praying more.

I think I'm okay at praying, I could always pray more of course. I finally realized though that I have trouble maintaining the desire to pray once I've started. I just want to get it done; it feels like a chore at times... But actually holding an object that gives me clear directions on what to pray is immensely helpful. I mean, IMMENSELY.

I was a Calvinist/evangelical for about five years before an annoying stranger decided to try to argue me into Catholicism, so I haven't really acknowledged the Virgin Mary in years. I'll mention in a later post why I stopped being in that denomination, or you can comment below and ask and I'll just mention why I became Catholic.

On Mary
It feels like I'm saying hello to a family member that I should know, but it's just so awkward to acknowledge her since I spent so many years never really thinking about her. I did respect her though. I would actually get uncomfortable when I saw Catholics paying so much attention to her, because I felt that it was close to blasphemy. As a (new) Catholic, I do still believe that some people are guilty of what is essentially idol worship. If you're Catholic and reading this, you have to understand that evangelicals/Protestants/Calvinists are very zealous about keeping Christ at the forefront of everything. Nothing should compete with Him, and nothing can compete with Him.

I should mention that I don't understand why I should "hail Mary" 53 times (the amount of times you say that phrase when praying a rosary). It feels so strange... I am trying to figure out if it's bad or something to acknowledge Mary so many times when the Lord is the One I care about. It's His sweet presence that I seek when I pray for comfort. It feels like a rosary is all about Mary, and not about the Lord. Either way though, I know I fall asleep happy when I'm done praying with a rosary.

I'm digressing though. I truly feel that holding a rosary every single night while falling asleep and praying the prayers has helped me more effectively deal with anger, depression, worry, unforgiveness, lust, feeling like the Lord doesn't ever see or hear me... all these toxic emotions that take a toll on me if I don't do something to combat them, have been smaller hurdles lately. I feel more cheerful lately. It's wonderful. I don't feel defeated by those other emotions.

Thanks for reading this, I apologize if it was a little long. 😅

