Sunday, January 22, 2017

We seriously will never get along

It's impossible for very fervent people on the right wing (like myself) and very hardcore feminists to get along.

We consider different things as sacred. I believe that men are men for a reason and women are women. Babies shouldn't be killed while they are peacefully listening to their mommy's heartbeat. If I am a law-abiding citizen, I should be able to own as many guns as I wish to ensure that I am able to defend my life, liberty, and to pursue my happiness.

But the Left wishes to use government to secure "rights;" they don't care about the scope of government like those of us on the right do... And I consider their views on guns to be very foolish, because I consider an overly powerful government to be worse than death. At least when I'm dead, I'll be able to chill with Jesus.

I wouldn't be surprised if California does try to secede. We're just kidding ourselves when we say that oh, we just gotta listen to what the other side has to say. Sure, it'll work with some people, but there's a good amount that absolutely will not budge. I celebrated when Hobby Lobby won that Supreme Court case and liberals were furious.

That's not normal for fellow countrymen to have such polar opposite reactions to the things that government does. It's just evidence that we've drifted very, very far apart.

Our beloved country and leaders need all the prayer you can send up there, fam. Do it.


Bernice ❤

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