Sunday, January 15, 2017

On porn, the war between the sexes, and sex robots...

This is a topic that I care very greatly about. I apologize in advance if this seems a little scattered, I spent too much time composing this blogpost and realized I preferred to just go ahead and post it as fast as I could. All the links I've put in this blogpost are good; please check them out.


I know too many beautiful and good women that don't want to be single, but are single because too many men in our churches want to be boys and have spent too many hours glued to a screen, satisfied by pixels when they could have a banquet. It absolutely breaks my heart knowing what could be, but isn't. I've heard too many pastors tell the men in the audience to not go looking for a relationship until they get their crap together and stop being hooked on porn... Our sins are not private.

"No sin is private. It may be secret but it is not private." -A.W. Tozer

The war between the sexes
We don't trust each other. We play games. We are hesitant to trust each other due to the way that someone of the opposite sex in our past used us. And being a heavy user of porn results in men seeing women as just a collection of body parts that satisfy, just objects. Google it. Studies have been done on this phenomenon. And oddly enough, feminists still love porn...

Feminists perpetuate the war between the sexes by trying to tell us that there are no inherent differences between men and women. This lie that so many of us have accepted has led to the awkward way that we interact with each other.

Total Sorority Move tweeted a surprisingly insightful article on the perils of my generation when it comes to dating.

"Basically, the ball’s in the court of whoever cares less. If you play it cool and make him fall in love, then maybe — just maybe — he will want to date you within a reasonable time frame." 

We see examples of bad women that use the courts to leech off men. They are a Google search away, and we probably all know of at least one woman that married a man for his money. I know I do.

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
This isn't true; we need each other. How many women have problems that they wouldn't if they just had a good, strong, caring father in their life? We all know one. And of course, men need women, as evidenced by the high rate of porn consumption in America.

In the Disney movie Mulan, one of the songs at the beginning says: "We all must serve our emperor who guards us from the Huns. A man by bearing arms, a girl by bearing sons." I'm not necessarily saying that I support the draft, I've yet to form an opinion on this matter, but if one feels a sense of duty to their country, chances are higher that he will actually behave and not be selfish and destructive. I know I personally hope to have a son that enlists, so I feel like I did my part to serve my country.

Unfortunately, those lyrics I mentioned are pretty "triggering" to some people.

Most feminists don't feel that sense of duty that I feel. They hate this country because THE WHITE MAN made it, they wouldn't dream of dying to defend it from actual enemies we have out in the world, and since motherhood is essentially slavery to them, they won't have sons that may grow up to be soldiers. And if they did have sons, they'd just emasculate them and teach them to be feminine. There is actual evil out there in the world that needs to be fought by men that aren't afraid to be men, but nope, let's focus on the wage gap and cultural appropriation and misgendering people and all that stuff.

Feminists see our men sent off to war and demand that their birth control and abortions be paid by daddy government, while railing against Western civilization and seeking to infect as many women as possible with their ideas.

Everything that the Lord created is good, but the world twists His beautiful inventions into shadows of what they could be. This is in reference to that insane sex drive that men have. It helps populate nations.

Sex robots
And now we will have something even more satisfying out there than porn for our men AND women to be tempted by. Sex robots. They are on their way. As if we didn't have enough bodies in this country to satisfy the needs of another American... Porn has isolated a lot of us, and now these disgusting dolls and robots will exacerbate the problem.

Do we want to kill ourselves off? It sure seems like it. I personally want to see my country continue to exist and to flourish, but that is only possible if we hold onto the God that has blessed our nation and if we have sex the way He intended.

We don't deserve Your grace and blessing, Lord.

Thank you for reading,

Bernice ❤

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