Friday, January 6, 2017



Thank you for visiting my blog. (if you are Christian but not Catholic, please keep reading. I wanted to say something to y'all.)

I wanted to write this post, because I'm amazed at how praying a rosary every night has been very beneficial to my spiritual and emotional health. Not much has changed in my life other than the fact that I am very excited that we have begun a new year, so I think it's safe to assume that I find myself happier lately because I've been praying more.

I think I'm okay at praying, I could always pray more of course. I finally realized though that I have trouble maintaining the desire to pray once I've started. I just want to get it done; it feels like a chore at times... But actually holding an object that gives me clear directions on what to pray is immensely helpful. I mean, IMMENSELY.

I was a Calvinist/evangelical for about five years before an annoying stranger decided to try to argue me into Catholicism, so I haven't really acknowledged the Virgin Mary in years. I'll mention in a later post why I stopped being in that denomination, or you can comment below and ask and I'll just mention why I became Catholic.

On Mary
It feels like I'm saying hello to a family member that I should know, but it's just so awkward to acknowledge her since I spent so many years never really thinking about her. I did respect her though. I would actually get uncomfortable when I saw Catholics paying so much attention to her, because I felt that it was close to blasphemy. As a (new) Catholic, I do still believe that some people are guilty of what is essentially idol worship. If you're Catholic and reading this, you have to understand that evangelicals/Protestants/Calvinists are very zealous about keeping Christ at the forefront of everything. Nothing should compete with Him, and nothing can compete with Him.

I should mention that I don't understand why I should "hail Mary" 53 times (the amount of times you say that phrase when praying a rosary). It feels so strange... I am trying to figure out if it's bad or something to acknowledge Mary so many times when the Lord is the One I care about. It's His sweet presence that I seek when I pray for comfort. It feels like a rosary is all about Mary, and not about the Lord. Either way though, I know I fall asleep happy when I'm done praying with a rosary.

I'm digressing though. I truly feel that holding a rosary every single night while falling asleep and praying the prayers has helped me more effectively deal with anger, depression, worry, unforgiveness, lust, feeling like the Lord doesn't ever see or hear me... all these toxic emotions that take a toll on me if I don't do something to combat them, have been smaller hurdles lately. I feel more cheerful lately. It's wonderful. I don't feel defeated by those other emotions.

Thanks for reading this, I apologize if it was a little long. 😅



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